Sunday, June 7, 2009

Am I crazy for WANTING to be a single mum?

I want a baby more than anything else in life. I'm currently single and have been for 2 and a half years, most of that time by choice because the few guys I have been involved with in that time have caused me nothing but hurt.

I really do not want to find a boyfriend but I want a baby. I'd more happy to do it on my own, I'd rather do it on my own. I'm under no illusions it would be the hardest thing I'd ever have to do, but I cant stand the thought of being in a relationship again.

Am I crazy or has anyone else ever felt this way?

Additional Details

I'm 21. I have a decent job and a secure one which is pretty rare in this world at the moment it seems. However I do still live with my mum. I know I'm young and I dont plan on doing anything about this anytime soon although I really want to. I feel like crying sometimes when I think of how badly I want this and how out of reach it is.

All my friends are in relationships... and I'm not

How do I deal with being the only single one amongst my group of friends?

I'm a guy who's been single for the last four years or so. I'm in my mid-twenties and had only one real relationship of meaning. In the mean time I've watched friends go in and out of long term relationships, sometimes in a manner that seems almost instantaneous.

Recently I've found to be most difficult is the fact that on most weekends I'm going to be on my own... And it's weird. Because even a year ago, when the situation was the same, I still felt like every weekend I didn't have to wonder if I was going to be scrambling for someone to hang out with on a Saturday night.

In the past it's been extremely hard. Like the one time I hung out with four couples over holiday and was the only single one. My fault for going into that, but the alternative was staying home and doing... nothing.

I am dating at the moment, although little if anything ever seems to come of it. I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do/how I'm supposed to feel about the fact that I'm still young and eager for social contact but can't seem to find any in the people I hold most dear.

Lastly, it's hard for me not to feel resentment. Not that I act on it, I do my best to keep those kinds of negative feelings to myself. But a part of me does resent the fact that when my friends are single I'm always there for them to hang out with when they feel lonely and yet once they find a girlfriend, the script flips and I'm back to sitting on my ass wondering where all my friends went. I didn't think being young was supposed to be a time of solitude... But then here we are.

posted by anonymous

How do I tell a guy I'm dating that I'm really a lesbian?

When should I tell a guy that I'm dating that I've only ever dated girls before? And how? And does it even matter?

We've been on a couple of dates, and there has been some - but not much - physical activity. We've basically held hands and kissed. We have great conversations and share a lot of interests, we always have a great time hanging out.

I want to sleep with him but I can't help feeling like there's no future in it because he's not a girl, and while I find him attractive, it's not as intense as my girl-crushes. I guess I'm kind of worried it'll come to crunch-time and I will not be able to go through with it.

And I haven't told him that I've only ever dated girls before (though I did sleep with a boy a couple of times in high school). I don't know how to do it, or when or even if it's a good idea to tell him.

He also split up with his long-term girlfriend (4 years) about four months ago, so I don't want his first "next girl" to be ... um... a dud.

If ages are relevant, I'm 26, he's 32. Any ideas?
posted by anonymous