Sunday, June 7, 2009

How do I tell a guy I'm dating that I'm really a lesbian?

When should I tell a guy that I'm dating that I've only ever dated girls before? And how? And does it even matter?

We've been on a couple of dates, and there has been some - but not much - physical activity. We've basically held hands and kissed. We have great conversations and share a lot of interests, we always have a great time hanging out.

I want to sleep with him but I can't help feeling like there's no future in it because he's not a girl, and while I find him attractive, it's not as intense as my girl-crushes. I guess I'm kind of worried it'll come to crunch-time and I will not be able to go through with it.

And I haven't told him that I've only ever dated girls before (though I did sleep with a boy a couple of times in high school). I don't know how to do it, or when or even if it's a good idea to tell him.

He also split up with his long-term girlfriend (4 years) about four months ago, so I don't want his first "next girl" to be ... um... a dud.

If ages are relevant, I'm 26, he's 32. Any ideas?
posted by anonymous

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